It Ain’t Always Love and Light
Recipe Lori Woolridge Recipe Lori Woolridge

It Ain’t Always Love and Light

So, yeah, love is patient and kind, but it’s also loud, persistent, righteous, inclusive, and determined. Living love and soul forward doesn’t mean you’re passive and all about turning the other cheek. It means not staying in that space and defining yourself within it, but rather aligning yourself with the powerful, loving soul you are throughout the struggle.

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Why Is The Question and the Answer
Wellness Lori Woolridge Wellness Lori Woolridge

Why Is The Question and the Answer

Goals can often feel punitive in nature. So forget them. Decide what you want and WHY you want it and then set a direction. Your why will inspire and motivate you and as you move forward the HOW will become clear.

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Discover How Much Love Your Heart Can Hold
Recipe Lori Woolridge Recipe Lori Woolridge

Discover How Much Love Your Heart Can Hold

Discovering how much your heart can hold means leaving it wide open to experiencing all that love has to offer, which without fail, includes some level of pain. Whether it be unrequited, betrayed, unspoken, rejected, secret, ill-timed, or tragically lost, like sunshine and rain, pain often becomes the price for loving.

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Spiritual Tools And Practices
Recipe Lori Woolridge Recipe Lori Woolridge

Spiritual Tools And Practices

Practicing spirituality is embedded into who you are and what you do every day. Rituals are how you wake up and come alive to the spiritual reality all around you. Everything you do can be considered a spiritual practice if it is done with conscious awareness.

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