Angel Insights on: Depression

The feelings of depression that stay with you come from a disconnect from the loving, joyous, abundant, and spirit-filled being you are, and the fearful and unsatisfied human you have allowed yourself to become. Allowed is a word that hits your heart-center hard and with dismay and anger as you have felt put upon and put down by many who have professed to love you.

“But one must see the truth in the knowing that you will only accept the behavior given as it matches the behavior displayed—the rejection of your self worth. Did you create these feelings through actions based on your inability to love self or did your inability to love self act as a pulling, magnetic force for the same?

Depression is but the feelings of fear and self-loathing. These feelings keep you out of alignment with your true self. Choosing to be depressed based on the actions of others is your reaction to control. Control instead what you choose to believe.

“Choose to understand that love was given to the best of their ability and in direct and equal proportion to the love given self, and you will change the need for someone else to fix what you feel is wrong and complete what you feel you lack in your life. Choose to see life in a different way—from the eyes of the soul, full of love for self and Source, and the veil of depression that clouds your heart’s vision will be lifted.

“Depression is a choice, as is delight. Do not be angry by the thought that we do not see or understand your pain. We see, love, and support you. Our message is to assure you that love will cure what ails you. Love starts in the heart of your soul where joy and Source reside.”

So Says the Light

These words are channeled and unedited messages from the Angel realm. Reflect on this communication, especially those words that resonate strongly. These Angel Insights are for entertainment and spiritual purposes only.


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