Let’s Compare Ego and Soul

Ego (outside in)

Happiness, like confidence, rises and falls with the situation. It is generated from outside sources, is momentary and fleeting, and provides limited short-term satisfaction. This is why chasing happiness is a futile exercise.

Soul (inside out)

Joy is a foundational part of your self-esteem and well-being. Joy allows you to move through life and its difficulties with hope and positivity. Joy is generated internally and is a baseline emotion of love.

Ego (outside in)

Validation is what you seek from others to show you what they see is lovable, worthy and deserving about you so you can see it too. Your sense of worth is determined by this outside validation, and feels forever dependent on what others think, say or do. Like happiness, it doesn't last because it never takes root.

Soul (inside out)

Confirmation is what you feel when someone validates your actions or presence through their words or behavior, and it confirms what you already know and believe to be true about yourself. Your sense of worth does not rise or fall with this validation, it is only enhanced.

Ego (outside in)

Self-Confidence is situational. It ebbs and flows with particular tasks and events. It is associated with your self-efficacy and thrives on outside validation. You can have high confidence and low self-esteem.

Soul (inside out)

Self-Esteem is foundational. It is associated with your sense of worthiness and deservedness. When your confidence flounders in certain situations, your self- esteem stays firm. It is the cornerstone of self-love.


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