Spiritual Tools And Practices


Animals Angels Aroma Therapy Astrology Breath Work

Bible Study Chanting Chakras Creativity Crystals

Dancing Drumming Feng Shui Generosity Gratitude

Healing Humor Intentions Intuition Journaling

Love Massage Meditation Mindfulness Music

Nature Painting Positive Thinking Prayer Protests/Marches

Poetry Reading Recycling Reflexology Rituals

Rosary Self-Care Service Sexuality Shadow Work

Singing Smiling Tai Chi/Qi Gong Tantra Teaching

Volunteering Walking Worship Writing Yoga

Notice anything interesting about this list? It’s a combined roll of both classic and informal spiritual practices, many of you probably already do. See, you’re already a lot more spiritual than you think!

Spiritual practices aren’t necessarily activities that you need to add to your schedule or To Do list. They are not confined to a special place or time. Nor do they always need special equipment or tokens. Practicing spirituality is embedded into who you are and what you do every day. Rituals are how you wake up and come alive to the spiritual reality all around you. Everything you do can be considered a spiritual practice if it is done with conscious awareness.

Many people use their spiritual rituals and practices to help them cope, lessen anxiety or stress. And that‘s great, but if you’re only using them as a temporary Band-Aid or salve, you’re missing out on their higher purpose and their important contribution to your soul’s growth and expansion.

Instead, use your hobbies and habitual activities to spiritually multitask. Turn your walk into a “find joy where I stand” exercise, or time on the stationary bike into a gratitude ride. Read up on Tantric sex and experience lovemaking as a tool to balance your masculine and feminine energies. The opportunities are endless. A little dab of conscious awareness will do ya!

Be regular and disciplined with your spiritual practice. Don’t be disheartened if you wander off. Ultimately, your spiritual journey becomes your way of life, like a lush oasis in the desert of mundane living.


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