It Ain’t Always Love and Light

This has already been one hell of a week, and it’s only Wednesday. I’m struggling; hoping I can drag myself over the hump and make it to the weekend without crying, arguing, hiding, and/or breaking my no sugar diet (full disclosure I bought a Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup today—king size. It remains unopened; however, the bitch is taunting me. But I digress).

This weekend I left my house in Virginia to head to DC to celebrate the Lunar New Year with my family. Ten minutes into the drive and I could feel a distinct shift in my energy. By the time I passed the Pentagon and Arlington Cemetery I was full out crying. Between the high level of shock and uncertainty associated the hostile takeover of the federal government, the midair collision at DCA, which is 1.5 miles from my home, the energy cloaking the nation’s capital is heavy, depressed, and anxiety ridden.

Keeping Your Halo Straight is Hard Work

It’s tough out here for all of us, but for those of us who live “energy forward,” we folks who align with terms like, “enlightened” and “awakened,” trying to keep our halo on straight during these days is more than a notion. We’re out here peddling love, hope, and growth “lessons” all the while our positive energies are being sledgehammered on the daily. It takes so much effort and support from those seen and unseen to keep vibrating high when all you want to do is grab a handful of crystals M & M’s and sage and go cleanse something until this dark cloud of absolute bullfuckery passes.

But you can’t because your spirit guides keep harping on you about your mission and purpose and that the reason they channel messages through you is for you to pass on the information along. Information like we, as a planet, are in the midst of a huge, major, ginormous correction and transformation. That at the crux of this shift, the darkness of fear is being exposed world-wide in a manner that cannot be ignored, and that this exposure is creating a free will, binary choice to be made by each of us--choose between love or fear. And that we as individuals must choose love so we can level up the consciousness as a collective and move together as species into one world built on transparency, authenticity, equality, and love.

I get it but the truth is that I’m scalivid (scared and livid) while at the same time, my soul knows that the guides are right—the only way to trump fear and hate is with love. And it may take a minute, but love will win every time. If you look you will see so much historical evidence to support this. What’s different this time is the depth, breadth, and permanence of this correction. So, here I am back to spread the message about love and joy. Just doing my job, people.

Sometimes Spirituality is All About the Middle Finger

But let’s be real, “Don’t worry, be happy” sounds great in a heads-in-the-clouds kind of way, and while we strive to live soul forward, we’re also human. Sometimes the halo slips and thoughts and prayers take on a decisively different tone. Sometimes the most spiritual thing you can do is tell someone to fuck off (with love) and go about your business.

So, yeah, love is patient and kind, but it’s also loud, persistent, righteous, inclusive, and determined. Living love and soul forward doesn’t mean you’re passive and all about turning the other cheek. It means not staying in that space and defining yourself within it, but rather aligning yourself with the powerful, loving soul you are throughout the struggle. Giving the middle finger with love helps elevate the fight without creating more darkness. Love warriors fight to win but battle in the light. In other words, don’t let them steal your joy during this bout. It’s the balance of grit and glee that will keep you sane during these hell of trying times.

Managing the Rage and Despair Within

For the activist/advocate in us the range of emotions we experience in times of upheaval and existential dread—fear, anxiety, dissatisfaction, rage, frustration, and despair--can both drive and/or consume us. The key is to feel the anger but do not become the anger. Feel it, let it fuel you, but don’t let fear define you. Fight their hate and disregard with love and respect for YOURSELF even when you can’t muster it up for them.

One of the worse things about the current energies swirling around us is that it makes you feel so helpless. The problems out there feel too big, too complicated, and too ingrained for little, old you (or me) to do anything about them. And that is exactly what the boogie man wants you to believe. It’s important to realize that dividing us with fear and anger is part of their game plan. Anger is fear’s calling card, and once you answer the call, it erodes your sense of resilience and hope. It initially separates us into friends and foes, while at the same time eroding one’s self-esteem and worth.

Ultimately, You Gotta Bring the Light

While we need everyone to level up in ways that bring more truth, kindness, and compassion into this world, you don’t have to participate in the drama. Trust and believe, you are empowered to make big changes in this world, and it all begins by focusing on yourself first in ways that help enlighten and evolve you.

Make joy part of your battle plan. This is the mantra I am inviting you to consider building your days around. The best way you can relieve yourself of all this fear and angst that has its grip on you is to counteract it with the one thing fear cannot compete with--love (which is the mother tongue of joy). Counteract anger and fear by finding joy where you can, and in that state go to work however you can—organize, donate, protest or even if it’s just putting less anger in the world by being kind to the people you come across during your day. Channel that rage into high vibrating actions and do not underestimate the contagious nature of the ripple effect.


Resist through joy


Why Is The Question and the Answer