Love is what you seek and yet seems so difficult to find. Love is what you cannot live without yet cannot bring yourself to truly understand and commit to. Love is not the bliss you seek. Love is the bliss you ARE.
—So Says the light
Know Love Bundle
Love. It impacts us from day one and from that moment on, we spend our lives searching for more. We count on it to complete us, cure what ails us, and keep us from feeling alone and unwanted. With that kind of omnipotence, it's crazy to think that this one thing we all crave is the same thing we understand the least and, for many, fear the most.
Welcome to Know Love, next-level lessons on love for the spiritually curious and the utterly confused. Wherever you are on your journey, this 4-unit course will meet you where you stand, and help you uplevel your mindset, understanding, and practice of love. Save and purchase the entire course bundle.
unit one
love 2.0
An important part of your leveling up your mindset on love is to know the five ways love touches you on the daily. You'll learn how much love, seen and unseen, is available, and which of the five you should be striving for and which to let go. Video lesson and accompanying workbook.
unit two
love is a 4-letter word
No matter what your experience is with love, whether it's rainbows and sunshine or thunderclouds and rainstorms, fear is the one emotion we all associate with love. Learn to recognize and break through the fear so you can get to, and thoroughly enjoy, the good stuff.
unit three
the root: self-love
If fear is the word we most associate with love, self is the one we least associate with it; and yet, how much you love yourself is the key to all your relationship successes and woes. Learn how and why it's important to find and fall in love with the very best of you.
unit four
Be Love. Share love.
One next-level game-changer you'll learn is that you are here not to be loved, but to share love. Learn how going from a loving state a mind to a loving state of being, will greatly impact both the quantity and quality of the love you share with yourself and others.