Do not deny the beauty that is you because of what you believe to be failed relationships.  What you view as failed, is an opportunity. 
—so says the light


your love life

How many times have you thought, or said to yourself, "my life is a mess?" And how many times has that question referred to the romance and relationship part of your life? I'm guessing that if you are reading this now, the answer is a lot. I'm also thinking all that mess is weighing you down. But when it comes to cleaning up your love life, just where does one begin?

Welcome to Declutter Your Love Life: Make Space for the Love You Crave. This mini-course is designed to help you reflect on,  understand, and clean up the relationship residue that's holding you back from the healthy, loving relationships you want.

make space for the love you crave

Declutter topics

You’ll Learn:

  • To identify the and clean up the emotional clutter that has you stuck

  • How to move through and past negative thoughts

  • How to sweep away the dirt of infidelity and move on

  • To forgive but not forget

  • To identify and dispose of unnecessary baggage

  • To understand the value and purpose of ‘alone’ time

  • Ways to recycle old love

make a clean sweep

course components

You’ll Receive:

  • Teaching Video

  • Guided Meditation

  • PDF fillable companion workbook

  • Discount on Angel Insight Session or Coaching


Living With Soul Knowing